Category: Plesk
Note: You must have an SSL enabled hosting plan and also a dedicated IP for SSL certificates to work properly.
- Log in to relevant Plesk server
- Go to Customer Account > Domain > Certificates
- Click “Add New Certificate”
- Enter domain to be used for certificate
- Click “Request”
- Click certificate in listing
- Copy CSR
- Go to prefered SSL Certicate supplier
- Paste CSR info into certificate supplier web page and choose required server software and period
- Complete details and exit
- Wait for certificate to be emailed to your email account
- Unzip zipped cert
- Drag domain (wwwyourdomain.crt) .crt to notepad and copy paste into ‘Certificate’ field
- Drag CA Certificate (UTNAddTrustServerCA.crt) .crt to notepad, copy paste into ‘CA certificate’ field.
- Drag root (AddTrustExternalCARoot.crt) .crt to notepad, copy paste into ‘CA certificate’ field directly after *previous CA .crt
- Go to Plesk > customer domain setup screen > choose new cert from drop down next to certificate
- Check ‘SSL support’ and ‘Use a single directory for housing SSL and non-SSL content.’