Category: Plesk

Note: You must have an SSL enabled hosting plan and also a dedicated IP for SSL certificates to work properly.

  1. Log in to relevant Plesk server
  2. Go to Customer Account > Domain > Certificates
  3. Click “Add New Certificate”
  4. Enter domain to be used for certificate
  5. Click “Request”
  6. Click certificate in listing
  7. Copy CSR
  8. Go to prefered SSL Certicate supplier
  9. Paste CSR info into certificate supplier web page and choose required server software and period
  10. Complete details and exit
  11. Wait for certificate to be emailed to your email account
  12. Unzip zipped cert
  13. Drag domain (wwwyourdomain.crt) .crt to notepad and copy paste into ‘Certificate’ field
  14. Drag CA Certificate (UTNAddTrustServerCA.crt) .crt to notepad, copy paste into ‘CA certificate’ field.
  15. Drag root (AddTrustExternalCARoot.crt) .crt to notepad, copy paste into ‘CA certificate’ field directly after *previous CA .crt
  16. Go to Plesk > customer domain setup screen > choose new cert from drop down next to certificate
  17. Check ‘SSL support’ and ‘Use a single directory for housing SSL and non-SSL content.’



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