Category: General
Sortable wiki tables
This JSPWiki Style allows you to make tables Sortable by enclosing them inside a %~%Sortable block.
Just click the column header and your table is sorted without round-trip to the server.
Enclose your tables in %~%Sortable tags.
Make sure your table starts with a row of all header cells ( wikisyntax: ~|~| ).
Now move your the mouse over one of the clickable header cells.
You’ll see a tool-tip and a changed mouse pointer.
Click the column header to sort, clicking again will reverse the sort order.
The sort algorithm will auto-guess the data type of your column — date, numeric or string —
and adjust the sorting algorithm accordingly.
%%sortable || Title || Author || Published || Edition | book1 | zappy | 25-Feb-2005 | 5 | book2 | happy | 25-Jan-2005 | 19 | book3 | pappy | 23-Mar-2005 | 06 | book4 | dappy | 21-Apr-2005 | 199 | book5 | rappy | 25-Jul-2005 | 017 %%
Reality check:
|| Title || Author || Published || Edition
| book1 | zappy | 25-Feb-2005 | 5
| book2 | happy | 25-Jan-2005 | 19
| book3 | pappy | 23-Mar-2005 | 06
| book4 | dappy | 21-Apr-2005 | 199
| book5 | rappy | 25-Jul-2005 | 017