
Edit the file for the PSA MySQL instance:
C:Program FilesSWsoftPleskMySQLDatamy.ini

Add the following line to the top of the MySQLD section:
Restart the MYSQL and PLESK SQL services.
Login at:
cd C:Program FilesSWsoftPleskMySQLbin

mysql.exe -uadmin -P8306
use psa;
Select * from domains where name = “”;
Get the ID# listed in the first column, this is the dom_id#

Select * from siteapps where dom_id = “dom_id#”;
Get the id# of all apps in the first column

delete quick from siteapps where id = “x” and dom_id = “y”;

x = id related to the siteapplication vault (siteapppackages table) y = domain id of the client ( hosting table)

Remove the “skip-grant-tables” from my.ini and then restart the MYSQL and PLESK SQL services again.

If you receive error about ftpmanager not being able to remove user, check under the domain for what user is associated with the domain. It has probably been deleted. If so just recreate it and the iusr, then go to properties > profile, then set the home directory to the directory of the domain. The directory of the domain probably got deleted as well, just recreate.

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