Category: General

If you get the error:

None of the pre-built vmhgfs modules for VMware Tools is suitable for your running kernel. Do you want this program to try to build the vmhgfs module for your system (you need to have a C compiler installed on your system

You need to compile

 mount /dev/cdrom /mnt/
    cd /mnt/
    rpm --install VMwareTools-4.0.0-261974.i386.rpm


yum install gcc
yum install make
yum install kernel-dev*

Path to gcc:

Path to Kernel header files:


Make sure installed kernel matches the above by doing a yum update kernel

If you have new Linux kernel e.g; "2.6.32-279.22.1.el6.x86_64" then use the following kernel header file and keep saying 'Yes' for everything:

To check your linux kernal version, Use the following command:
uname -r


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