__Home Directory (web root)__
*Create web root in “D:websites” by creating a directory, use the domain name for the name (without the extension)
*Copy file “default.asp” from “D:websiteshyve” directory into the web root you just created
__Security settings__
*Right-click “My Computer” and choose “Manage”
*Click “Local users and groups”
*Right-click on “Users” and choose “New user”
*Add details from OM
**User name = Username
**Full name = Domain name
**Description = Primary Contact
**Password = Password
*Un-check “User must change password at next logon”
*Check “User cannot change password
*Check “Password never expeires”
*Click “Create”
*Click “Close”
*Double-click the user you just created to launch the “Properties” dialogue
*Click the “Terminal Services Profile” tab
*Check “Deny this user permission to log on to any Terminal Server” (at the bottom of the dialogue)
*Click the “Environment” tab
*Un-check all “Client devices”
*Click the “Sessions” tab
*Set all 3 drop downs to 1 minute
*Under option “When a session limit is reached or connection is broken:”, select “End session”
*Under option “Allow reconnection:”, select “From originating client only”
*Click “OK”
*Go to “D:websites”, right-click on the web root directory and choose “Properties”
*Click on the “Security” tab and click “Add”
*Type the user name of the user you just created (or select it by clicking “Advanced”, then clicking “Find Now” and double-click it from the list)
*Click “OK”
*Select the user from the “Group or user names” pane
*From the “Permissions” pane, check “Modify” under the “Allow” column
*Click “OK”
__IIS setup__
*Launch IIS
*Expand tree, right-click on “Web Sites” and choose “New”, then “New website…” to start the wizard
**Click “Next”
**Description = domain without “www”, click “Next”
**Select the relevant shared IP from the list (shared IP on ICE is
**TCP = 80
**Host header = domain without “www” (very important to put this in), click “Next”
**Browse to the home directory (web root) in “D:websites…”
**Leave “Allow anonymous access to this Web site” checked, click “Next”
**Check “Run scripts (such as ASP)”
**Click “Next”
**Click “Finish” to finish the wizard
Add host headers
*Right click site and choose “Properties”
*Click “Web site” tab and then click “Advanced…”
*Click “Add…” to add a host header for to include the “www”
*Choose relevant IP
*Enter “80” for “TCP port”
*Enter domain with “www.” (e.g. www.domainname.xxx)
*Add another host header for preview URL (Jake has configured *.myhyve.com to point to IP
*Select IP > port 80 > add subdomain “domainname.myhyve.com” (e.g. peterjmorgan.myhyve.com)
*Click “OK”
*Click “Apply”
*Click “OK”
Set up FTP site
*Expand “FTP Sites” then expand “Upload”
*Right-click on “Upload” and choose “New”, then “Vitrual Directory…” to start the wizard
**Click “Next”
**Alias = “Username” from OM, click “Next”
**Browse to the home directory (web root) in “D:websites…”, click “Next”
**Check “Read” and “Write”, click “Next”
**Click “Finish” to finish the wizard
*Go to OM and click on “DNS Email” in “Emails” column for the relevant plan
*Alter the DNS request by removing the “lists” and “mssql” records
*Replace the value for the “webmail.domainname IN A” record with “”
*Replace the value for the “domainname IN MX 20” record with “storm.hyve.com”
*Launch “MyDataPipe” site and create ticket for the DNS request
Send set-up email from OM