Category: General Windows

Permanent network drive/share mount in Server 2012:

1. Open elevated cmd
2. Run the following command with the required details

”net use DriveLetter: IP$sharename /savecred /p:yes”

3. The above command will prompt for user name and password, add the correspnding details
4. Now open gpedit.msc
5. Under Computer configuration, click on Windows Settings –> scripts
6. Double Click Startup and click on ‘Show Files’
7. This will open a folder where you can create a .bat file with a simple network share command and then save it

”net use DriveLetter: IP$sharename”

8. Click Add and select the saved script and press ok and close group policy editor
9. The above steps will first mount the network drive and the script part will mount the drive after system reboot



Windows Plesk

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