Category: Windows
How to install an SSL certificate onto IIS7 on Windows 2008
- RDP to server
- Open IIS
- Goto Root level in IIS (usually the servername)
- Click on Server Certificates under IIS section
- Right click in the panel and select “Create Certificate Request”
- Fill in the relevant details and save the CSR to desktop
Get CSR from desktop. Go to your provider and use CSR to get the certificate
- Once complete (usually a few hours) upload the certificate files and go back to web server
- Open IIS
- Go to Root level in IIS (usually the server name)
- Click on Server Certificates under IIS section
- Right click in the panel and select “Complete Certificate Request”
- Browse to the new cert files
- Then go back to the site in question and add relevant HTTPS bindings
You may need to add Root authority ticket
If a certificate already exists and is not expired yet,
- Go to the site option in IIS
- Click on the bindings
- Select the new Certificate you just created,
- Press okay
- Go back to root level in IIS (Administrator)
- Double Click on Server Certificates
- Delete the previous certificate (Remember to check the expiry date before deleting it)